Calculations of emission factors
equipment id: 10, Construction phase
pe 369 kg
1700 * 369 = 627300 g of CO2
3.0317 * 369 = 1118.6973 g of CH4
0.000268 * 369 = 0.098892 g of N2O
All 3 factors: 627300 * 1 (CO2) + 1118.6973 * 25 (CH4) + 0.098892 * 298 (N2O) = 655296.902316 g of CO2 equivalent
kg of pe impact is 1.78 kg of CO2eq
excavation 7.9 m
2 432.04 * 7.9 = 3413.116 g of CO2
0.0230955 * 7.9 = 0.18245445 g of CH4
0.00110858 * 7.9 = 0.008757782 g of N2O
All 3 factors: 3413.116 * 1 (CO2) + 0.18245445 * 25 (CH4) + 0.008757782 * 298 (N2O) = 3420.287180286 g of CO2 equivalent
2 of excavation impact is 0.43 kg of CO2eq
Climate change impact, all construction materials summed
655296.902316 (pe) + 3420.287180286 (excavation) = 658717.18949629 g of CO2 equivalent
658.71718949629kg CO2eq / 27 year =
24.4 kg CO2eq per year======================================================================
equipment id: 10, Construction phase
pe 369 kg
0.0128916 * 369 = 4.7570004 g of N
0.0266496 * 369 = 9.8337024 g of P
2.95 * 369 = 1088.55 g of NOx
0.0115 * 369 = 4.2435 g of NH3
All 4 factors: 4.7570004 * 0.42 (N) + 9.8337024 * 3.06 (P) + 1088.55 * 0.015 (NOx) + 4.2435 * 0.04 (NH3) = 48.6 g of PO4 equivalent
kg of pe impact is 0.13170731707317 g of PO4eq
excavation 7.9 m
2 0.00030794 * 7.9 = 0.002432726 g of N
0 * 7.9 = 0 g of P
0.508101 * 7.9 = 4.0139979 g of NOx
0 * 7.9 = 0 g of NH3
All 4 factors: 0.002432726 * 0.42 (N) + 0 * 3.06 (P) + 4.0139979 * 0.015 (NOx) + 0 * 0.04 (NH3) = 0.1 g of PO4 equivalent
2 of excavation impact is 0.012658227848101 g of PO4eq
Aquatic eutrophication impact, all construction materials summed
48.6 (pe) + 0.1 (excavation) = 48.7 g of PO4 equivalent
0.0487kg PO4eq / 27 year =
0.0018 kg PO4eq per year======================================================================
equipment id: 10, Usage phase, depending on number of persons
removed_bod_impact 17.89725 kg of BOD treatment per person per year
0 * 17.89725 = 0 g of CO2
13.1 * 17.89725 = 234.453975 g of CH4
0 * 17.89725 = 0 g of N2O
All 3 factors: 0 * 1 (CO2) + 234.453975 * 25 (CH4) + 0 * 298 (N2O) = 5861.349375 g of CO2 equivalent
1 person yearly bod impact is 5861.3494 g of CO2eq
removed_n_impact 3.937395 kg of Neutrogen treatment per person per year
0 * 3.937395 = 0 g of CO2
0 * 3.937395 = 0 g of CH4
16.2 * 3.937395 = 63.785799 g of N2O
All 3 factors: 0 * 1 (CO2) + 0 * 25 (CH4) + 63.785799 * 298 (N2O) = 19008.168102 g of CO2 equivalent
1 person yearly n_removed impact is 19008.1681 g of CO2eq
not_removed_n_impact 1.176105 kg of Neutrogen left untreated per person per year
0 * 1.176105 = 0 g of CO2
0 * 1.176105 = 0 g of CH4
0 * 1.176105 = 0 g of N2O
All 3 factors: 0 * 1 (CO2) + 0 * 25 (CH4) + 0 * 298 (N2O) = 0 g of CO2 equivalent
1 person yearly n_not_removed impact is 0 g of CO2eq
removed_p_impact 0.723195 kg of Phosphorus treated per person per year (sludge composting phase)
0 * 0.723195 = 0 g of CO2
0 * 0.723195 = 0 g of CH4
0 * 0.723195 = 0 g of N2O
All 3 factors: 0 * 1 (CO2) + 0 * 25 (CH4) + 0 * 298 (N2O) = 0 g of CO2 equivalent
1 person yearly p_removed impact is 0 g of CO2eq
not_removed_p_impact 0.080355 kg of Phosphorus left untreated per person per year
0 * 0.080355 = 0 g of CO2
0 * 0.080355 = 0 g of CH4
0 * 0.080355 = 0 g of N2O
All 3 factors: 0 * 1 (CO2) + 0 * 25 (CH4) + 0 * 298 (N2O) = 0 g of CO2 equivalent
1 person yearly p_not_removed impact is 0 g of CO2eq
sludge_transport 0.186 m3 of sludge transport per person per year
5612 * 0.186 = 1043.832 g of CO2
0.3 * 0.186 = 0.0558 g of CH4
0.0144 * 0.186 = 0.0026784 g of N2O
All 3 factors: 1043.832 * 1 (CO2) + 0.0558 * 25 (CH4) + 0.0026784 * 298 (N2O) = 1046.0251632 g of CO2 equivalent
1 person yearly transport impact is 1046.0252 g of CO2eq
sludge_composting 0.186 m3 of sludge composting per person per year
1177.33 * 0.186 = 218.98338 g of CO2
266.667 * 0.186 = 49.600062 g of CH4
21.5333 * 0.186 = 4.0051938 g of N2O
All 3 factors: 218.98338 * 1 (CO2) + 49.600062 * 25 (CH4) + 4.0051938 * 298 (N2O) = 2652.5326824 g of CO2 equivalent
1 person yearly composting impact is 2652.5327 g of CO2eq
Climate change impact, all usage aspects summed
5861.349375 (bod) + 19008.168102 (n_removed) + 0 (n_not_removed) + 0 (p_removed) + 0 (p_not_removed) + 1046.0251632 (transport) + 2652.5326824 (composting) = 28568.0753226 g of CO2 equivalent
Usage impact of 28.5680753226kg CO2eq per person per year ======================================================================
equipment id: 10, Usage phase, depending on number of persons
removed_bod_impact 17.89725 kg of BOD treatment per person per year
0 * 17.89725 = 0 g of N
0 * 17.89725 = 0 g of P
0.0672 * 17.89725 = 1.2026952 g of NOx
0.0247 * 17.89725 = 0.442062075 g of NH3
All 3 factors: 0 * 0.42 (N) + 0 * 3.06 (P) + 1.2026952 * 0.015 (NOx) + 0.442062075 * 0.04 (NH3) = 0.035722911 g of PO4 equivalent
1 person yearly bod impact is 0.035722911 g of PO4eq
removed_n_impact 3.937395 kg of Neutrogen treatment per person per year
0 * 3.937395 = 0 g of N
0 * 3.937395 = 0 g of P
0 * 3.937395 = 0 g of NOx
0 * 3.937395 = 0 g of NH3
All 3 factors: 0 * 0.42 (N) + 0 * 3.06 (P) + 0 * 0.015 (NOx) + 0 * 0.04 (NH3) = 0 g of PO4 equivalent
1 person yearly n_removed impact is 0 g of PO4eq
not_removed_n_impact 1.176105 kg of Neutrogen left untreated per person per year
1000 * 1.176105 = 1176.105 g of N
0 * 1.176105 = 0 g of P
0 * 1.176105 = 0 g of NOx
0 * 1.176105 = 0 g of NH3
All 3 factors: 1176.105 * 0.42 (N) + 0 * 3.06 (P) + 0 * 0.015 (NOx) + 0 * 0.04 (NH3) = 493.9641 g of PO4 equivalent
1 person yearly n_not_removed impact is 493.9641 g of PO4eq
removed_p_impact 0.723195 kg of Phosphorus treated per person per year (sludge composting phase)
0 * 0.723195 = 0 g of N
50 * 0.723195 = 36.15975 g of P
0 * 0.723195 = 0 g of NOx
0 * 0.723195 = 0 g of NH3
All 3 factors: 0 * 0.42 (N) + 36.15975 * 3.06 (P) + 0 * 0.015 (NOx) + 0 * 0.04 (NH3) = 110.648835 g of PO4 equivalent
1 person yearly p_removed impact is 110.648835 g of PO4eq
not_removed_p_impact 0.080355 kg of Phosphorus left untreated per person per year
0 * 0.080355 = 0 g of N
1000 * 0.080355 = 80.355 g of P
0 * 0.080355 = 0 g of NOx
0 * 0.080355 = 0 g of NH3
All 3 factors: 0 * 0.42 (N) + 80.355 * 3.06 (P) + 0 * 0.015 (NOx) + 0 * 0.04 (NH3) = 245.8863 g of PO4 equivalent
1 person yearly p_not_removed impact is 245.8863 g of PO4eq
sludge_transport 0.186 m3 of sludge transport per person per year
0.000004 * 0.186 = 7.44E-7 g of N
0 * 0.186 = 0 g of P
18 * 0.186 = 3.348 g of NOx
0 * 0.186 = 0 g of NH3
All 3 factors: 7.44E-7 * 0.42 (N) + 0 * 3.06 (P) + 3.348 * 0.015 (NOx) + 0 * 0.04 (NH3) = 0.05022031248 g of PO4 equivalent
1 person yearly transport impact is 0.05022031248 g of PO4eq
sludge_composting 0.186 m3 of sludge composting per person per year
11.876 * 0.186 = 2.208936 g of N
0 * 0.186 = 0 g of P
4.03333 * 0.186 = 0.75019938 g of NOx
0.133333 * 0.186 = 0.024799938 g of NH3
All 3 factors: 2.208936 * 0.42 (N) + 0 * 3.06 (P) + 0.75019938 * 0.015 (NOx) + 0.024799938 * 0.04 (NH3) = 0.93999810822 g of PO4 equivalent
1 person yearly composting impact is 0.93999810822 g of PO4eq
Eutrophication impact, all usage aspects summed
0.035722911 (bod) + 0 (n_removed) + 493.9641 (n_not_removed) + 110.648835 (p_removed) + 245.8863 (p_not_removed) + 0.05022031248 (transport) + 0.93999810822 (composting) = 851.5251763317 g of PO4 equivalent
Usage impact of 0.8515251763317kg PO4eq per person per year ======================================================================
equipment id: 10, Usage phase, per equipment unit
Climate change impact, all usage aspects summed
= g of CO2 equivalent
Usage impact of 0kg CO2eq per equipment per year ======================================================================
equipment id: 10, Usage phase, per equipment unit
Aquatic eutrophication impact, all usage aspects summed
= g of PO4 equivalent
Usage impact of 0kg PO4eq per equipment unit per year ======================================================================