Puhtaat vedet
kylässä ja ympäristössäKatso myös Animaatio. Se on lyhyt intro Hajavesijelpin käyttöön.
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Vastuuvapauslauseke Hajavesijelpin perustana ovat tiedot, jotka on kerätty jätevedenpuhdistustekniikoiden valmistajilta ja/tai myyjiltä kyselylomakkeiden pohjalta. VillageWaters-projekti luottaa tiedon tarjoajiin ja niiden tarjoamiin tietoihin.
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VillageWaters Project
VillageWaters suggest most effective wastewater treatment solutions in scattered dwellings households, which use their own, independently operated water purification systems.
Helping Homeowners
Environmentally oriented families and homeowners, who live in scattered dwellings areas, where connecting to larger wastewater plants is not option because rural distances.
Project Outcome
Project compares the potentially best-fitting wastewater treatment systems, based on economic, social and environmental aspects and publishes data in Information Tool.
SYKLI Environmental School of Finland
PL 72, 11101 Riihimäki, Finland
Jari Heiskanen (Chief Web Manager),
phone. +358 50 375 2657,