Švaresnis vanduo
mūsų kaimeSee Introduction Video For brief overview, what you could do in Information Tool, you may see 3 minute video introduction, which shows basic principles and describes briefly main functionalities of this Tool. Video is in English.
About Information Tool Information Tool guideline page describes in more detail, what are the elements of Information Tool and how it was made. You may download and see brief user manual in case you have any questions arising during using the Tool.
It is important to understand, that the Tool is quite functional, but has also some inherent limitations, therefore please read also disclaimers there.
Types of Technology Modern Wastewater equipment may be quite effective. However, to use Information Tool better for planning and comparison of different wastewater equipment, it is important to understand differences and limitations of particular wastewater technologies. See detailed Technology types descriptions here.
Wastewater Guides Villagewaters project targeted households in scattered dwellings areas, where only option for wastewater treatment is the standalone systems. Read background information and also larger principles of how to keep Baltic Sea clean on series of wastewater guides.
Equipment in Information Tool Discover on equipment subpage, what were the criterias of including particular wastewater equipment to the Information Tool and how the equipment data was collected. Manufacturers, who would like include their equipment to the database, may dowload data form, fill and send it to the database administrator.
Project Reports See Villagewaters Project Report page to download various publications, which were researched and written during the Villagewaters project.
Your Feedback is Appreciated Villagewaters project team worked hard during the project to research and collect various information and create project publications. If you feel, that there are things you would like to send to project team, please use the contact form here. |
VillageWaters projektas
VillageWaters projektas siūlo patį efektyviausią atliekų tvarkymo sprendimą atskiriems būstams, kurie naudoja savarankiško vandens valymo sistemas.
Pagalba būstų savininkams
VillageWaters projektas padeda aplinkos apsauga besirūpinančioms šeimoms ir būstų savininkams, kurie gyvena pavieniuose būstuose, kurių prijungimas prie bendros nuotekų tvarkymo sistemos yra neįmanomas dėl per didelių atstumų.
Projekto rezultatai
Projektu metu yra liginama potencialiai geriausia nuotekų tvarkymo sistema, kuri yra grindžiama ekonominiu, socialiniu ir aplinkosauginiu aspektais. Surinkti duomenys yra skelbiami visuomenės informavimo priemonėse.
SYKLI Suomijos Aplinkosaugos mokykla
PL 72, 11101 Riihimaki, Suomija
Jari Heiskanen (Vyriausiasis žiniatinklio valdytojas)
Tel. +358 50 375 2657